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Why New CS Leaders Struggle Asking for Help

Sumitra Narayanan. As new leaders, we often find ourselves in a position of having to prove ourselves. Early last year, I joined LinearB to build and lead our Customer Success team. Being my first leadership opportunity, I felt I had a lot to prove.
Why Enablement is The Secret Sauce of Customer Success

Sumitra Narayanan. Customer Success Enablement is the engine of Customer Success. CS leaders – if you wish to boost your team's productivity programmatically, here is everything you need to get started. What is Customer Success Enablement? From.
The Power of Multi-Threaded Customer Relationships (And How to Build Them)

Sumitra Narayanan. Imagine your primary customer contact leaves abruptly, and no other connection exists with the company. How would you ensure the continuity of the relationship?
What It's Like to Lead Customer Success at a Startup

Sumitra Narayanan. Over the course of my career, I’ve worked exclusively for startups. It’s a challenge, but a worthwhile one – startups offer so much to learn and experience.
New Customer Success Leaders: Be Prepared for These Six Things

Sumitra Narayanan. I've learned quite a few unexpected things as a first-time leader in Customer Success. If you’re stepping into a leadership position for the first time, it’s important to be prepared for the transition.
Bridging the Gap Between CS & Everyone Else

Sumitra Narayanan.